I have just read a great blog post by Justin Bariso where he provides some great insight and lessons that can be learnt from Google, who have just Released A New Logo.
For those who know me, and those who have attended our training courses, realise why I admire Google (they reckon I should be an agent for Google – as always “selling” and promoting Google), and I agree with Justin’s statement –
Google is one of (if not the) most progressive companies on the planet. It’s constantly striving for better.
For those who don’t want to read Justin Bariso’s post then his take out is the following:
1. Don’t be satisfied with the status quo. Lesson: There’s always room for improvement. Schedule time to examine what you’re doing right, and analyze what you’re doing wrong. Then, work to better yourself.
2. Not everyone will like it. Who cares. Lesson: Respect your users, customers, team members, and colleagues. But define your core values, and let those dictate your decisions. If you believe strongly that it’s time for a change, go for it. Don’t look back.
3. Simplify. Lesson: It goes beyond the world of design: Whatever your daily work, look for ways to declutter, streamline and simplify. It will make life better for you, and those who work with you.
You can read the official Google blog post Google’s look, evolved or read more on Justin’s post on Inc.com
For those who don’t want to read, then watch the short Google Evolved Video below
Justin’s blog post was quite pertinent today, as we were discussing these aspects in our social media training course that is currently being presented in Kleinmond, Western Cape.
Google doesn’t get complacent. You shouldn’t either – Justin Bariso